
(Emeli Sande, singer/songwriter, August, 1st baby private class with best friend)
An excellent refresher course, and excellent tips for the future (Lisa O)
It was a useful refresher to remind us all about newborn care but also some very illuminating advice about life with two - including lots I hadn't thought of and advice for solving challenges I was worried about (2nd baby prep Andrea C)
Really good concise advice - very positive and supportive. Good practical tips. Great reminder of what we need to prep. (2nd baby prep Rebecca S)
A really friendly and very informative class that has made me feel much more prepared for the arrival of number two. The course has made me think of so many thanks I hadn't considered.(2nd baby prep Sarah G)
Really useful re-cap of baby routine as well as great tips on how to juggle two. ( 2nd baby prep Aoife B)
Really interesting insight, good refresher and great to meet other mms in the same boat (, 2nd baby prep Camilla C)
An excellent reminder of what life is like with a newborn. I hand't spent much time thinking or preparing for number 2 but this has brought it all home. (Sept 2016, 2nd baby prep Amanda P)
So glad I did the class to make myself realise this is actually happening(!!!) and to know what I can prepare/think about in advance to make life easier when baby arrives. Everything was very helpful - great reminders about babies and fab tips for managing two. (2nd baby prep Rachel C)
Really enjoyed the course. Lots of great tips for life with two little ones and reminders about looking after a newborn. (2nd baby prep Anna M)
Every bit of the course was VERY informative and will be SO useful. An extremely helpful, informative and laid-back means of refreshing my baby knowledge and providing extremely beneficial tips for managing two children. ( 2nd baby prep Jacqueline F)
it was really great to go over everything and pick up useful tips from both Eilish and the other mums. ( 2nd baby prep Anna S)
It was lovely to spend time focusing on this pregnancy and baby number 2, as opposed to my toddler. Great reminders of how to look after a newborn and what to expect. It really helped me to focus my mind on tow and start thinking of routines etc. (2nd baby prep Julianne S)
Good refresher of all things newborn! Really useful to help me prepare for our 2nd baby (Sept 2016, 2nd baby prep Gwun O)
Great to meet other mums and have a refresher on newborn care as well as learn tips for dealing with 2. (Sept 2016, 2nd baby prep Gwun O)
So great to think properly about the new baby finally and how it will work out. (Sept 2016, 2nd baby prep Emma N)
Really enjoyable, informal and very relaxed. Great group size. Left feeling much more positive about the arrival of number 2. Great mix of talking about toddler and refreshing memory for arrival of the baby. Good to talk through with other mums with similar age gap. Thank you, would definitely recommend! (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 3yrs Tiffany J)
The class was excellent - a very good summary of life (again) with a newborn and the considerations of life with a toddler and newborn. Very helpful and gentle in style. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 3.5yrs Amber D-L)
Really helpful to prepare for life with two, be ready for this big change and also to meet people in the same position. It's made me think about so many things I hadn't considered - much better now than when baby actually arrives.. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 2yr 10m Nicola M)
Just a really lovely class re-learning and remembering. Lovely atmosphere to meeting it - at your house. Great tips, ideas and reminders. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 2yr Nicola H)
Fantastic class, lovely people. Great to have a refresher on dealing with a newborn and ow to bring a toddler into the mix. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 2yr Laura R)
So helpful to have a refresher - I'd forgotten how much I'd forgotten! And lovely to meet other mums in the same situation. Reminded me of things that newborns need and useful tips to juggle a newborn and toddler. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 2yr Claire T)
Really useful recap. Useful information about how to deal with 2 children. Great way of meeting others in the area in the same position. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 17m Natasha R)
Useful reminder of having a baby, as well as considering all the things to think about with 2. I found it very helpful 5/5. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep nearly 3yrs Karen C)
Very helpful - it's nice to be able to admit that you can't remember things from your first baby and be amongst others who feel the same. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 22m Marisa L)
A fantastic chance to think about life with 2 and the new arrival. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 18m Kitty Galsworthy)
Incredibly useful, reminding you of things you had totally forgotten and takes away the shock of coping by being prepared. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 18m Thierry Kelaart)
Thank you very much for last night, I for one found it very useful and has calmed my nerves about life with two and I found the tips and techniques on how to cope food for thought. (March 2016, 2nd baby prep 25m Isabel Dawes)
Great reminder of what it's like at first. It's reassured me/reminded me what to do with a newborn and coping with 2. (Feb 2016, 2nd baby prep 17m Sarah B)
It was great to meet like minded women in a relaxed, informal but informative environment. (Feb 2016, 2nd baby prep 14m Lucy H)
A fantastic introduction to life with 2. A refresher on the baby days (which already seem a lifetime ago) was much appreciated, and a great opportunity to meet other mums in the same boat. I enjoyed all of it and to have some time to actually think about number 2 and the new dynamic. Brought my attention to things I'd not even considered.(Feb 2016, 2nd baby prep 2yr Laura D)
It has been great to take time out to prepare and discuss what it will be like to have two young children . (Feb 2016, 2nd baby prep 2yr Rebecca B)
Thanks so much for your wisdom last night. I learnt far more than I expected to. It was lovely to meet you and the other mums and have sensible, real advice. (Feb 2016, 2nd baby prep 3yr Amelia M)
Hugely informative and great to go back through having a baby. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr 3m Rachel L)
Very useful information about 'the past' and the future. Everything was useful! (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr 3m Claudia B)
A lovely class and great refresher course. Great to meet other mums with same questions/worries. Some great practical tips. It was all very interesting, informative and relaxed. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.5year Tess McC)
Excellent 5/5.Useful recap of baby care and ideas for how to manage 2. Great ideas for how to manage activities with 2. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.5year Melanie B)
5/5 It was so useful to refresh my memory on how to look after a newborn and some great tips on managing two. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 3yr 8m Alex King)
Great class, really informative and helpful preparation for life with 2. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr 4m Frances)
Very useful tips to get prepared and things to think about now, before the baby comes. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.5year Alison H-P)
I loved it! I enjoyed the practical info, group knowledge and chats (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs Astrid S)
I was thinking about doing a course and I am so pleased I did, I have met some lovely mums and learnt a lot bout coping with 2. It also reminded me about everything from the early days too!(Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 17m Chantelle F)
Really good refresher and nice to meet other people in a similar situation.(Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 2om Lucy W)
I enjoyed all of it. It was relaxed, informative and I enjoyed learning about time management and in meeting new people. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 20m Danae)
A good refresher and really good to meet other mums. It's reminded me of a lot of things I had forgotten and makes me fell that it's all possible. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 21m Jessica S)
So approachable and enjoyable to have time to think about number 2 coming along. Good to know how to be prepared(Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 21m Elinor H)
Informative, helpful and just what I needed/what I was looking for to provide me with useful tips and advice on how to cope with 2 as well as an excellent opportunity to meet up with other Mums who will face the same challenges etc at the same time. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 20m Joanne W)
It was great thinking about routines and meeting other mums in the same position with the same worries. (Dec 2015, 2nd baby prep 13m Katherine M)
The second baby preparation class was extremely thorough, covering everything from a reminder of how to hold a newborn, through combining breastfeeding and entertaining a toddler and on to managing a little person who is struggling to adjust to the new addition to their world… highlighting potential issue areas and giving suggestions of how to deal with them along the way. Eilish is an impressive teacher, sharing thoughts and ideas in a clear and collaborative fashion. She provides a welcoming and non-judgmental environment, which made me feel like I could ask any question, no matter how trivial or personal it might seem. The refresher elements have left me much more relaxed about coping with a newborn again, and the practical proposals mean I am considerably less daunted by the prospect of dealing with a baby and a toddler at the same time - I am sure Eilish's clever coping strategies will prove invaluable! .(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr 3m L Jenkins)
Very thought provoking and raised many issues I hadn't given any thought to. Felt very relaxed and welcome and would definitely recommend to others. It has made me think in advance how I might handle tricky situations. (Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.5year Gemma C)
It was a great class full of useful and practical tips. Eilish has a wealth of experience and is really good at expressing the advice she has to deliver. Would recommend to others. I enjoyed the tips for coping with two especially from a practical standpoint.(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 21m Anon)
An excellent reminder of the essentials of looking after a newborn and toddler in just over 2hrs. Highly recommended, thank you(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 3yr 9months P Green)
A helpful overview and reminder of how to care for newborns and great guidance on managing the toddler.
(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.5yrs Beth McD)
Really useful concise summary as a reminder of new-borns. Great advice on how to manage with two.
(Oct 2015, 2nd baby 3yrs Kate C)
A nice relaxed environment with other mums, reminding ourselves of life with a newborn but with a toddler in tow. Great value and a lovely experience.(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 3yrs Sarah H)
Really good refresher with helpful tips on coping with two and lots of practical advice.
(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr 9m P Roberts)
Thank you for an enjoyable and informative evening. It was great to have a refresher on newborn care and receive tips on life with 2, while also meeting local mums in a similar situation to me.
(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs Anna B)
A relaxed environment to think about all aspects of dealing with 2. Very informative with lots of tips, thanks.
(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.5yrs Lorraine T)
It was fab to get a recap on all the stuff I thought I knew 1st time round but had forgotten!!! Meeting other mums with same questions was invaluable. It's helped me to think through the stuff I can do to prepare.
(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 18m Emma F)
Concise and really helpful tips for how to manage life with 2 small people. There was lots of 'refresher' information and tips for managing 2.
(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 21m Sarah Austin)
Really liked being in a group with the same age gaps. It was a really helpful class and a friendly group environment
(Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 14m Louise Z)
Really useful course to help you think about how to manage the second! (Oct 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs Helen S)
Incredibly useful for tips on how to cope with 2 as well as a refresher on the basics of newborns. A great way to meet other mums with similar age toddlers.(Sept 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.25yrs Anita W)
Very practical advice for life with 2 children. Much more useful than NCT!! I feel more equipped and therefore more excited.
(Sept 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr 10m Dr Claire C)
Excellent in a nut-shell round up of life with two and a gentle reminder of life with a newborn.
(Sept 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs Stacie S)
Good to get my brain thinking about second baby and the practicalities of the early days!
(Sept 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs 3m Helen S)
The class was very interesting and I learnt a lot. Eilish was friendly, open, and had a fun way of explaining all the different subjects. It has been very enjoyable and it was good to hear other mums-to- be out of the same area in the same situation.(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 18m Claudi V )
The course really helped me to start thinking about the practicalities of having a new baby which somehow with a toddler there was never time to do!(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.5yrs Jenny P)
Great overview of having a newborn plus tips on life with two! Excellent course, perfect length of time and a friendly tutor.(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.5yrs Louise M)
Very thorough and useful class. many topics covered in the short space of time with lots of tips and suggestions for coping in different senarios. Good recap on looking after a newborn too. Helped me also focus on what to organise now in the short time before baby arrives. (September 2015, 2nd baby prep 19m Rachel Ch)
Eilish was lovely - really natural and easy to talk with. She didn't patronise us at all but just gave some really honest and useful examples of how to bring up 2 kids!
(Sept 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs Alex Smith).
Informative, helpful reminders and useful things to consider second time round. It helped me make some decisions I was pondering over e.g. moving bedrooms, buggy choice.
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs Annabel B)
Really informative session. Great to get your mind remembering what it was like the first time and get ready for number 2. Lots of things I now have to remember to get and do, thanks for the course!
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 23m Imogen W)
Covered all the things I was concerned about, plus discussed some extras such as potty training - very useful! I
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 23m Liz O'D)
Apart from the wonderful friends to share questions with, it was the practical nature of the class that was excellent. Focused on just the right topics. It was really helpful tips that I hadn't even considered when having a 2nd baby.
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs gap, Lisa T Private 2nd class for first time NCT friends)
A very reassuring forum to discuss your concerns and get some brilliant tips for juggling life with two. It calmed me down - I might sleep better now!
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs 6m gap, K Fielding Private 2nd class for first time NCT friends)
Really useful 2+ hour session that gives you a refresher of having a newborn plus some great tips of how to cope with two children.
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs gap, Becca H, Private 2nd class for first time NCT friends)
Great recap on dealing with a newborn and some handy tips on managing all of that plus a toddler!
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs 4mgap, Jessica D, Private 2nd class for first time NCT friends)
Very useful advice, covered things I hadn't thought of. All the practical advice was really helpful.
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep Kathleen M)
Great, practical and fun advice that was down to earth and easy to follow. Took the fear out of it all a bit too. I just need to get organised now, thank you!
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.5 yr Lesley C)
Brilliant recap of having a newborn and then how to deal with the two at different parts of the day.
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 23m Vicky L)
Fantastic reminder of all the things I had completely forgotten plus new ideas on how to deal with various situations. Fantastic realistic tips on products and ways of coping with two children. Great advice on feeding that I didn't have the first time around.
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 4.5yr age gap, Melissa Dobson)
Very useful recap and introduction into having to cope with 2 children. Good to meet others in the same situation too.
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr 9m S Wagstaff)
Very efficient, good value, great handouts and nice to meet local mums. Has helped me be more prepared and positive.
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 2.75 yrs Becky Lydon)
Good refresher course with great tips for life with 2 children!
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 3yr+ Lindsey W,)
Very useful class. Reminded me about a lot of things I had forgotten about and great tips on bath and bedtime.
(August 2015, 2nd baby prep 23m gap Victoria P)
Really good refresher baby course with meaningful practical tips
(July 2015, 2nd baby prep 3yr Alex Cal)
The experience was really good and gave us a lot of information which is going to help us a lot in a few weeks. The Baby Care Company is an exceptional help for our new life, a five star experience.
(July 2015, 121 couples surrogate 1st baby class Mr and Mrs Prieur)
An excellent way to learn about how to cope with a toddler and a newborn. Re-capping on all the important aspects you may have forgotten second time round.
(June 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs 6m gap, Tessa G)
Very useful refresher/ whistle stop tour of newborn babies, routines, feeding etc with the added information around how to cope with the two. Found it very informative and gave me lots to think about.
(June 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yrs 5m gap, B Jardine)
A warm welcoming class with information delivered in a clear and easy to decipher way. Was made to feel no questions were stupid and pace moved to reflects needs of myself and my wife, thank you.
(June 2015, 121 couples 1st baby class Anthony T)
Having not done NCT classes I found the classes provided a balanced view i.e. bottle feeding vs breast feeding and I will feel comfortable with whatever option works for us without feeling bad. I also enjoyed learning about what to do when the baby is born.
(May/June 2015, 121 couples 1st baby class Chelsea H)
“I attended the Baby Care Co course to help prepare for newborn life with 2 children under 2. I had numerous worries about the experience of managing a toddler’s routine / moods as well as a high maintenance newborn, but came away from the session feeling positive and really looking forward to the challenge. As well as an in-depth presentation on approaching the practical, health and safety issues, there were also many brilliant time-saving short-cuts and anecdotal recommendations which I hadn’t heard before. It was time extremely well spent and invaluable to have solutions tailored to meet the needs of your own child, in order to keep life consistent for them. Eilish understands that not all problems can be tackled with a uniform response and offered a range of tips to reduce the stress. Essential training which I would highly recommend to any first, second or third time mother!”
(Polly Anne Duncan, 17m age gap, April 2015)
I'm so glad I signed up! It was a great refresher, but I also came away with some great tips and suggestions for things I even haven't thought of.
(April 2015, 2nd baby prep 17m gap, Heather L B)
Very useful class on a topic I knew nothing about! Very informative, a lot of information that was surprising/I would not have expected. Excellent class - would highly recommend!
(April 2015, Sleep and routines class ,Cristina C)
Very useful non-biased discussion on routines. I really appreciated the non-judgmental approach.
(April 2015, sleep and routines class ,Deborah Smith)
Lots of useful information that I hadn't heard before. Reassuring advice for a first timer on how/where to start.
(April 2015, Sleep and routines class ,Anon)
Lots of good advice that is very practical for being a mum of 2. Also a great refresher on newborn things I had forgotten. It made me feel more prepared.
(April 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr gap ,Ainsley M)
It was a very informative and enjoyable evening - it was very interactive and well explained and I feel more relaxed.
(April 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr gap ,Solange M)
I really enjoyed getting to know other mums and getting organised with the things for the new arrival. It was a great way to share some worries/concerns with other mums and get prepared.
(April 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr gap ,Francesca T)
It was friendly and very informative. Also reassuring to not the the only one with such a small age gap.
(April 2015, 2nd baby prep, 15m gap ,Rebecca B)
A great reminder of what it's like to have a newborn again and great tips on how to cope with two 'babies' at once. I've now got a list together of things I need to do before the baby is born and have a better idea of what's ahead.
(April 2015, 2nd baby prep 16.5m gap, Laura B)
I feel better prepared now for this sometimes terrifying journey into parenthood
(April 2015 121, 1st baby preparation class, Karen Hasty - Zhang)
A very useful and thorough class. I feel better prepared
(April 2015 121, 1st baby preparation class, Gen Zhang)
It was great to get a refresher on baby care which I'd almost forgotten and to get some really good tips on managing two small children.
(April 2015, 2nd baby prep 17m gap, Maria C)
Very useful pointers for managing life with two children and being reminded of the newborn phase has helped reduce the fear!
(April 2015, 2nd baby prep, Jo E - Ford)
It was a great reminder of life with a new baby plus lots of very good tips on routines with 2 children and local things to do/local help available.
(March 2015, 2nd baby prep 2yr gap ,Oana A)
I really enjoyed meeting other expectant mums and was surprised by the amount and depth of material covered in a short space of time. Very practical advice - would highly recommend.
(February 2015, 2nd baby prep ,Nikki O'Sullivan)
Lots of excellent hints, tips and advice shared to make the transition from 1-2 children.
(February 2015, 2nd baby prep , Rebecca Mills)
It was a relaxed environment to refresh my memory about looking after a baby and to get practical advice for how to manage the logistics of two.
(February 2015, 2nd baby prep , Rachel Sharpe)
Good reminders and a good opportunity to focus on this baby rather than just the toddler and meet lovely people.
(February 2015, 2nd baby prep , Lauren B)
The class was friendly, approachable and a useful means of a new network - it made it more real with points for reflection.
(March 2015, 2nd baby prep ,Lisa Taylor)
Enjoyable, focussed and incredibly useful. It's really improved my confidence as I feel I've had little time to prepare.
(March 2015, 2nd baby prep 3.5yr gap ,Michelle McDowell MBE)
Very useful refresher. No time to read the baby books this time so very helpful as I'd forgotten a lot of the basics.
(March 2015, 2nd baby prep ,Charlotte Fielding)
Very useful and interesting overview of what to expect and how to plan and deal with a new recruit to the family.
(February 2015 121, 1st baby preparation class, Jonathan White)
Great because it was tailored to/ thoughtful of our specific/specialised requirements (surrogacy) and the handouts were very useful.
(February 2015, Surrogacy class ,Abigail L)
It was a fantastic course - really helpful stuff, being able to ask all the questions and knowing what is most relevant stuff to use, with a fantastic teacher, making everything simple without being patronising.
(October 2014 1st baby preparation 1-2-1 class Diana and Ignacia Carrasco)
Thanks Eilish for an awesome in home session on Sunday. My husband and I gained a lot from your antenatal class, we feel like we now have our 'parenting licence'! So relaxed, friendly and fun. Thank you again!
( Sept 2014 1st baby preparation couples 1-2-1 class Chris and Nicole Moss)
Excellent! Feel much more prepared and relaxed.
(Sept 2014, 2nd baby prep 1-2-1 with husband 18m gap ,Stephanie Birse)
Great memory jogger on life in those early days and great tips on coping with life with 2. A great opportunity for likeminded mums to focus and think about baby no. 2.
(Sept 2014, 2nd baby prep ,Laura A)
Efficient and practical recap of life with a newborn which included lots of practical tips on how to include or deal with a toddler at the same time. Made me think/reminded me about with a newborn/logisitics with 2.
(Sept 2014, 2nd baby prep 2.5yr gap,Olivia B)
Really useful, practical advice on how to care for 2 children...without having a meltdown! Useful to discuss practicalities of 2 and reminded me of caring for a newborn.
(Sept 2014, 2nd baby prep ,Louisa S, 22m gap)
Whistlestop tour of being a parent again and a great refresher of some of those things that you had forgotten. Good to think about the logistics and preparation for no. 2 arriving.
(Sept 2014, 2nd baby prep 2yr gap,Kirsty Mcl)
Very informative and useful overview; good pointers to think further on and discuss with my husband. Thanks!
(July 2014, 2nd baby prep ,Dr H. Hurriah)
Great, informative class. Highly recommended if you are expecting your 2nd. Feeling a lot more reassured about looking after 2.
(July 2014, 2nd baby prep ,Leigh Skeate)
Excellent succinct tips, and a comprehensive covering of all essential topics, thank you!!
(July 2014, 2nd baby prep ,Rachel Ellis)
A great overview of the key areas to be reminded of in a warm, open environment. Great meeting other mums going through the same thing with a child at a similar age gap.
(June 2014, 2nd baby pre, C Dyson))
Really relaxed atmosphere and very easy to talk openly. Lots of helpful reminders and now feel really excited! Reminder of the needs of a newborn and nice ideas for how to entertain my toddler. Nice to have some time focusing on the fact I will be shortly having another.
(June 2014, 2nd baby pre, L Duffield))
Very informative but not too much so you get confused. Not having been around children previously it gave me a good starting point and really helped me understand routines and getting the sleep and feeding sorted from the start.
(June 2014 1-2-1 1st baby prep, Stephaine Wooton)
Very well structured and informative. As a first time dad I feel much more prepared and a little less stupid!!
(June 2014 1-2-1 1st baby prep, Ashley Green)
This course was instructive and delivered in a very friendly manner, with concrete examples and feedback that books cannot bring. Thank You
(Dec 2013, 1:2:1 1st baby prep ,Isabelle and Jean Philippe G))
Excellent refresher and reminder of life with a newborn. I hadn't taken the time to properly think about baby number 2 logistics before! I found it all really helpful!
(Nov 2013, 2nd baby prep class 2.5yr gap ,Breanne E).
Got my mind reset into thinking what I need to buy and do in preparation. Easy and quick way to meet some other mums and get yourself back into the 'new' mum mood. Refresher in what you may have forgotten that you need to know.
(Nov 2013, 2nd baby prep class 2.5yr gap ,Aileen N).
An informative session with some lovely ideas for life with 2.
(Nov 2013, 2nd baby preparation class ,Carla V)
Great and thought provoking - brought up a number of things I hadn't thought of.
(Nov 2013, 2nd baby preparation class ,Victoria M)
Good opportunity to have a personalised/customised experience on the questions/concerns I particularly have - thanks so much.
(Nov 2013, 1:2:1 1st baby prep ,Sonali F)
A fantastic way to summarise all the key points prior to having our first baby. Has answered all, and many I didn't know, questions about the impending future.
(Nov 2013, 1:2:1 1st baby prep ,James F)
A really useful and concise session to recap newborn essentials such as feeding and sleeping routines plus tips for dealing with 2 small children.
(Oct 2013, 2nd baby preparation class ,18m gap Laura H)
Really informative, lovely to meet local mums.
(Oct 2013, 2nd baby preparation class ,Emma S)
Useful and reassuring to cover everything needed and make sense of my own research on baby items!
(Oct 2013, Getting ready ,Katie E)
Excellent class, very useful tips and a helpful reminder of life with a baby. It's given me lots of things to think about to help get organised in the coming months. Also, got me more excited and less daunted.
(Oct 2013, 2nd baby prep,Emily T 2yr 6m gap)
Really helpful run-through of what to expect from a newborn (which was a big foggy after 3.5yrs) and a great look ahead at what to expect from life as a family of 4.
(Oct 2013, 2nd baby prep,Marianne G 4yr gap)
A great all round course with so much information, tips and pointers packed into just 2 hours.
(Oct 2013, 2nd baby prep,Emma G 4.5yr gap)
I'm French and newly arrived in the area and I appreciated this session with Eilish because I'm a bit worried of being a 2nd time mum in a country that's not mine. Thank You.
(Oct 2013, 2nd baby prep,Claire B 3yr gap)
Lovely to meet Eilish and other mums with similar age gap. Hope to meet with up with them and be 'buddies.' Nice to be refreshed again and little tidbits of 'top tips' were all more up to date than 4 years ago.
(Oct 2013, 2nd baby prep,Kirsty F 4yr gap)
Packed full of useful tips. Helps you remember all the small things you forgot 1st time round. Useful handouts too.
(Oct 2013, 2nd baby prep,Annette M 2yr gap)
Thought provoking reminders - helpful for getting back in the zone. Lots of practical advice - esp. bedtime and bath time.
(Oct 2013, 2nd baby prep,Anna Louise 2yr gap)
Very informative in a relaxed manner with reminders and tips of important areas
(Sept 2013, 2nd baby prep,Emma B 17m gap)
A great reminder of those early forgotten first few months.
(Sept 2013, 2nd baby prep,Lucy J 23m gap)
Loved the course, very helpful and refreshing information. Would definitely recommend to friends!
(Sept 2013, 2nd baby prep,Kim W, 17m gap)
Great to spend time thinking about number 2 - a rare opportunity - I feel more prepared and know the crucial things to get ready in the next couple of months. I feel there won't be any nasty surprises.
(Sept 2013, 2nd baby prep,Mary A)
An excellent opportunity to (finally) spend some time thinking about baby number 2 and how to get prepared. I particularly liked ideas for managing bath+teatime+bedtime, and the reminder (non-judgmental) on feeding techniques/points.
(Sept 2013, 2nd baby prep,Fionna M - medical dr)
Good reminder of all the things to think of with a newborn and some top tips of how to cope with two.
(Sept 2013, 2nd baby prep,Sarah H)
A very useful reminder of newborn basis and how to cope with a toddler on top!
(Aug 2013, 2nd baby prep, Eleanor B)
Very informative with some good reminders. I enjoyed the all roundedness of the course - it's given me reassurance
(Aug 2013, 2nd baby prep, Peining M)
Great to have two+ hours of time to think about our new arrival. Very helpful tips and practical advice that I will use. Great refresher on newborn care and ideas about handling two at tea/bath/bed.
(Aug 2013, 2nd baby prep, Lina M)
Helpful to spend time focusing on the new baby's upcoming arrival and to think about the practicalities
(Aug 2013, 2nd baby prep, 21m gap Bella M)
Excellent practical advice with regard to coping with two rather than the usual advice regarding the mechanics of labour etc. Also lovely to meet other local mums in a similar situation.
(July 2013, 2nd baby prep, 20m gap Natalie H- medical doctor)
Extremely useful just to go through a practical based approach to having 2 children. Good to meet other women in the same situation. Invaluable to spend a dedicated 2+hrs thinking about having a new baby.
(July 2013, 2nd baby prep, 19m gap Fiona K- medical doctor)
Everything is very practically orientated and based on experience rather than just textbook knowledge. It is probably impossible to be really prepared for what is coming along with having a baby but this class gets you the closest possible to feeling prepared. It was really adapted/tailored too to participants' needs.
(July 2013, Getting into your stride, Anne W - medical doctor)
Very open and honest class, helped to share knowledge around the room - felt very comfortable to ask anything
(June 2013, The Early Days, Kirsty)
A great refresh on what is to come along with a list of ideas for juggling life with two.
(June 2013, 2nd baby prep, 22m gap Amanda G)
It is really helpful to start thinking not only about a new baby again but how to cope with two! Hearing experiences, advice and tips shared in such a friendly forum is a great way to approach this.
(June 2013, 2nd baby prep, 24m gap Liz L)
Very professional, fab tips and great to meet mums in the same position.
(June 2013, 2nd baby prep, 21m gap Zoe S)
Great to meet mums in the same situation and share thoughts and fears and discuss things with Eilish.
(June 2013, 2nd baby prep, 2yr gap Doune F)
A helpful opportunity to reflect and explore how I can manage life with 2 children.
(June 2013, 2nd baby prep, 2yr gap Louise S)
The class gave me lots to think about in terms of making the transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4 as smooth as possible. Also helped me to think about the birth and breast feeding tips which I haven't had as much time to think about this time round.
(June 2013, 2nd baby prep, 2.5yr gap Caroline E)
I found the class very thought provoking and informative, it was great to meet other mums in similar situations.
(June 2013, 2nd baby prep, 2.2yr gap Liz C)
A really helpful, insightful couple of hours, thank you.
(June 2013, 2nd baby prep, 2.5yr gap Laura C)
A great series of classes which covers the essentials and then some. Very worthwhile.
(May 2013, The Early Days, Jean L)
The class helped me to understand what you really need and don't and it was good to start the discussion about labour and birth plan. Nice to ask advice from a real mum with experience and practice, and someone that's taught others successfully
(May 2013, Getting ready Kirsty T)
I was originally feeling very overwhelmed and so I wanted to find something that was more practical about what we need and how things will go when the babies comes home - the type of information the NHS and medical practioners don't provide. This session was really good - very informative and tailored.
(May 2013, Getting ready, Wendy M (expecting twins))
These classes have been engaging and informative and I’m glad that we’ve been taking them. I feel like we have a better grasp of what equipment is to be bought, and tactics that will be appropriate to put into practice when trying to figure out how to adjust our lives to our new arrival.
(May 2013, Getting into your stride,Jean L)
Eilish is very articulate and I found her class both informative and entertaining. I do feel more comfortable now about establishing routines and understanding the options.
(May 2013, Getting into your stride, Sebastian P)
Class gave me more confidence and background on when and how to put a to baby sleep/routine.
(May 2013, Getting into your stride, Bettina P)
Gave me good things to think about regarding how I will best take care of baby. Good for planning ahead. I didn't know a lot about feeding/sleeping schedules (how many times per day, for how long etc, so this class was very informative)
(May 2013, Getting into your stride, and The Early Days, Lisa D)
Very enjoyable teaching style, very enjoyable and casual. It felt like friends sitting together giving each other tips rather than teacher/pupil relationship. Eilish is outgoing and very welcoming. It really helped me with ideas on how to juggle the day to day life with two and hopefully copy better on a practical level.
(April 2013, 2nd baby prep class, 18m gap, Simone B)
I got lots of useful tips especially on how to cope with 2 plus time to think about the new baby, plus good reminders of how to deal with a newborn. Getting the notes were also very useful.
(April 2013, 2nd baby prep class, 16m gap, Camille V)
Thanks again for the class and for organising the social last week. It was nice to see some of the girls again.
I thought the class was great - you covered a lot of info and it was the perfect prompt to start getting organised with things like hospital bag etc that I've been too busy to think about. I found the tips on managing a bedtime routine for two and also how to make number 1 feel involved when the baby arrives particularly useful.
(April 2013, 2nd baby prep class, 2yr gap, Katherine C)
Excellent refresher course of practical info. on dealing with baby 2 and the impact on the 1st child. Enjoyed recollecting and sharing baby stories and issues.
(April 2013, 2nd baby prep class, 3yr 4m gap, Rebecca C)
Laid back evening with some good tips for managing a newborn at the same time as maintaining your relationship with your eldest - good to have specific examples of how to manage different aspects of having another child, Thanks.
(April 2013, 2nd baby prep class, 4yr gap, Elissa L)
It was great to take some time out to reflect on how life will change once our 2nd baby comes along. Amazing how quickly you forget what life is like with a newborn. The session was very packed full of useful information :)
(April 2013, 2nd baby prep class, 2yr 1m gap, Lisa C)
Really good class for busy working mums. Topics were all relevant and to the point. Good time for peer support and discussion. It gave me time to really focus and think about my concerns as I’ve not had time so far!
(April 2013, 2nd baby prep class, 2yr 9m gap, Rachel I)
A brief but great reminder of what to expect second time round.
(April 2013, 2nd baby prep class, 2yr 8m gap, Nicky McD)
Great reminder of everything I’ve forgotten from last time, very friendly and relaxed, thank you.
(March 2013, 2nd baby prep class, 20m gap, Abi P)
Very informative in a relaxed and personal environment! I feel I have been empowered to look after my baby. A brilliant course!!!
(March 2013, The Early Days, Mignon L)
We learned a lot of new things to think out and/or purchase before the baby arrives. Thanks.
(March 2013, Getting Ready, Lisa D)
It was a great overview of getting prepared for the birth that covered a lot of things we hadn’t even thought to think about! Very useful.
(March 2013, Getting Ready, Jean L)
Fantastic, practical non-judgmental advice.
(March 2013, Getting into your stride, Rebecca R)
Punchy, non exhaustive and good content that reminds you of some of the essential elements of dealing with a newborn whilst adding practical tips for coping with 2.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr 8m gap Lou G)
A good rapid reminder of all the essentials which really helped focus the mind as to what is to come! It made me focus on the practicalities.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr 8m gap Gemma O)
Practical, well grounded up to date informative, not overwhelming. Really helped me to get ready.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr 5m gap Fiona V)
Good catch up of what it means to have a baby again as well as how to manage two children.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr 2m gap Linda L)
As the birth of my second child approached I was quite anxious how my first would react and how we would cope as a family. This course has been very informative, a great reminder of things we’d forgotten and offered great tips that I hope will ease the transition from 1-2.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr 3m gap Lindsey C)
A super refresher that recapped things that I had forgotten and helped me to consider how the practicalities of daily life with 2 would work. Lots of fantastic tips for ensuring the 2 children get on and how to deal with daily tasks - especially feeding.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 19months gap Emma D)
It was great to meet other mothers with a similar gap who can relate. Also to have a refresher of some of the fundamentals as you forget these so quickly.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 16months gap Laura W)
Although my first baby is only 14 months, I have forgotten most o the preparation involved in having a newborn. Not having had the time to read and learn about everything needed for a newborn as I did the first time around, The Baby Care Co. course was a great summary and reminder in one fell swoop.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 16months gap Miriam G)
A useful reminder of how to deal with a newborn alongside some invaluable pointers on how to make the sibling relationship work, in a friendly environment. Good to meet people in the same situation and exchange pointers on how to deal with potential problems arising. Breastfeeding element really useful as I had forgotten the details.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 5yr gap Kate B)
Great review of baby care encompassing siblings and handling practicalities.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 3yr 4 m gap Carina and Robert)
Good overall recap of the early days and what to do with 2. Hints and tips for bathing/evening time particularly helpful.
(February 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr 4month gap Sarah and Alex S)
Excellent, helpful tips thank you!
(February 2013, Post natal Sleep session, 20wk old Anna)
Very informative and helpful. I wish I had come when pregnant
(February 2013, Post natal Sleep session, 20wk old Daniya)
Great refresher on all the little things I had forgotten, and some good common sense tips on how to deal with two.
(January 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 3y gap Katherine McC)
A really helpful refresher as due to the age gap I had forgotten so many details.
(January 2013, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 3yr9m gap Fiona)
Me and my husband would like to thank Eilish for the very interesting and full of information time which we spend in her classes.
I was surprised of all the little things that you don't think before you are due to have baby. I have been a nanny for many years now and I was thinking that I know most of the things which a mother needs to know, but in Eilish's class I found out that I do not.
My husband found the class extremely interesting and as we all know, very few men have an idea of what’s expected of them them after the baby is born.
I highly recommend the classes and look forward to attending classes after my little one is born.
(December/November 2012, Getting ready,The Early Days, Getting into your stride and Practical Dads class Petia and Vladimir D)
Great refresher course on things I had already forgotten (breastfeeding etc). What I really liked was that the class was organised by age gap. It has been really helpful to share experience/questions with other mums who will be going through the same experience.
(December 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 15m gap Camille)
Class was interesting and thorough - covered all the main topics with a good recap of each at the end. It was great getting organised beforehand and also how to help/introduce older child to new sibling.
(December 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 18m gap Ellen)
Great to get some practical advice on thinking about how things will actually be when the baby comes as you don’t really do this when pregnant.
(December 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 16m gap Eleanor)
Thank you so much for all the advice and support that your classes gave me. They were well tailored to my specific needs and queries and not at all judgmental. I felt free to ask questions that may not have been so welcomed at my NCT classes particularly in relation to feeding which is much harder than I was led to believe by NCT. I went into both my labour and motherhood for the first time with the confidence that I could cope and equipped with some excellent tips for doing everything from sterilising to getting into a routine. I also have a great sense of comfort that I can email or call you with any other queries which is so important to me particularly as I am new to the area.
(December 2012, Set of 3 classes for 1st time mum, Rebecca M)
A stimulating reappraisal and reassurance about coping with 2. Especially liked the reminders about baby essentials and common sense advice on logistics.
(December 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2.5yr gap Vivienne G)
Great refresher and some very good ideas that I hadn’t thought of for coping with two. Good opportunity to meet other local mums and I like that the classes are organised by due date and age gap. Especially liked reminders of life with a newborn and good ideas for coping with 2.
(December 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2.5yr gap Shannon L F)
A great quick refresher course to remind you of what it is like to have a newborn again and some helpful tips on how to cope with having two kids. It’s given me a lot to think about, mostly in terms of the toddler.
(December 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr gap Tia O’F)
This class gave me time to think about having my second child and just reminded me of those early days.
(December 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 3.5yr gap Katie H)
Lots of the right and relevant info. well explained and demonstrated. It was helpful knowing what to face and it was very practical!
(December 2012, Practical Dads class, Michael Z)
Lots of useful information, well delivered. Filled in all the gaps knowledge wise with lots of notes for reference.
(December 2012, Practical Dads class, Emmett P)
The whole course was really interesting, thank you
(December 2012, Practical Dads class, Vladimir D)
Hugely practical. I feel confident and prepared and am hugely grateful for having someone patiently take me through the options and decisions that I will need to take.
(November 2012, Tailored 121 surrogate class, Nick Davidson)
I really enjoyed the course, very simple and interactive. I feel prepared!
(November 2012, Getting into your stride (end of 3 class series), Sandra F)
Very informative and well delivered. Eilish simplifies what appears to be a complicated learning process.
(November 2012, The Early Days, Sandra F)
Really enjoyed Eilish’s approach and delivery! Very basic and easy to understand. I now have much more of an idea of what I need to do.
(November 2012, Getting Ready class, Sandra F)
Very practical and great to meet other mums! Lots of very interesting learning curves on breastfeeding and sleep routines in particular.
(November 2012, Getting into your stride (end of 3 class series), Charlie Z)
Great amount of information but not an ‘overload’. Really enjoyed doing the class to meet other people and network with new mums-to-be. Looking forward to making new friends. It’s a very practical course and that in itself is really reassuring.
(November 2012, The Early Days, Charlie Z)
Great user friendly and practical advice that you can take away and use easily. A good balance of information so that you don’t feel you are suffering from ‘overwhelming’ information overload.
(November 2012, Getting ready, Charlie Z)
Very clear and very informative, excellent. Fantastic information to prepare for motherhood. Really liked sleep/routines as you hear lots of different things and this puts it all into perspective. clear.
(November 2012, Getting into your stride (end of 3 class series), Elizabeth K)
Brilliant! Concise and to the point. Very relevant information and extremely helpful, and great to discuss all topics openly. Thank you,
(November 2012, The Early Days, Elizabeth K)
Excellent, practical advice. Extremely useful and to the point. Thank you so much.
(November 2012, Getting Ready class, Elizabeth K)
Great refresher course on baby care, plus lots of food for thought on how to manage a baby plus a toddler, Thank you!
(November 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr gap Nicolle B)
Great refresher course. Good to meet other mums in the same position. Feel more confident after the course.
(November 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr gap Diddie H)
Lovely lady. Lots of useful tips, Thank you.
I have attended the 2nd baby preparation class on the 7th November. I'm now 26 weeks pregnant and my older son is going to be nearly 3 when baby number 2 arrives.
The class was really good, and full of useful advices. Eilish goes through all the difficult aspects you might encounter when having a second baby.
The class is held in a very friendly environment and I got to meet other mums due more or less the same week as I am. We instantly clicked and we are now meeting regularly with our little ones while supporting each other during this second pregnancy.
I'm glad I've sign up to this class instead of the usual NCT group as it fitted around my schedule and I got to know people that lives around my area.
We went away with some notes nicely printed by Eilish and they will come at hand very soon as a checklist...I have to admit I haven't prepared anything yet for the baby so having some reference will help me a lot.
I will definitely recommend this course to other mums!
(November 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 3yr gap Emanuela R)
Very informative, good perspective from someone with personal experience. Particularly like logistics of sleep and feeds, planning ahead is key.
(October 2012, Refrehser class/2nd baby prep class, 19m gap Matt)
Very helpful refresher and guide for coping with 2
(October 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 15m gap James G)
Great practical advice, really essential!
(October 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 19m gap Annelise P)
Useful reminder of all the things to bear in mind from last time plus the points which will be different with 2.
(October 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 15m gap Claire A)
A good reminder of what to do with a newborn and how to manage with two young children.
(October 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 18m gap Sinead B)
Great way to remind you of things to get prepared for number 2. Also practical, honest advice that will hopefully help in the imminent future!! It made me realise not to take too much on board and go with the flow.
(October 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr gap Emma W)
Great tips on dealing with 2. It was very helpful, good preparation with a great reminder of early days.
(October 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr gap Jenny D)
I most enjoyed the session on coping with two. The class was just like having tea with friends with lots of experience in the subject and lots of tips and advice.
(October 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr gap Gabriela P)
I most enjoyed the session on breastfeeding and how to split time between baby and toddler. The class was very thorough with a huge amount of information covered. I’m now less worried about what it will be like with two!
(October 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr gap Katherine M)
Good practical advice, easy to apply to everyday life with lots of great tips.
(October 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 2yr gap Sarah H)
Very useful reminders about looking after baby and great tips on how to prepare/include older sister/brother. Good practical advice and suggestions, Thank you.
(September 2012, Refresher class/2nd baby prep class, 5yr gap Karen P)
Thanks for the friendly informative and practical advice.
(September 2012, The Early Days class, Rebecca M)
Thank you very much for the very informative class ‘Preparing for the 2nd and coping with 2’. It was full of just the right amount of practical information, as well as the gentle reminders of what there is to think about when you are having a baby. I particularly enjoyed dedicating the time to the 2nd pregnancy and the 2nd baby which is sadly much less than with the first. In addition the takeaway paperwork serves as a super checklist to work with in the last few weeks. Many thanks and I will most certainly recommend to other expectant mums.
(September 2012, Refresher Class /2nd baby prep class 19m gap, Victoria Boxall - Hunt)
Just wanted to say many thanks for your class last week. I picked up some really useful tips on managing with two little ones and found it reassuring to re-visit newborn care. The tutorial style was perfect for me - and loved the handouts.
(September 2012, Refresher Class /2nd baby prep class 20 m gap, Kerry)
Great round the table chat to get all your questions/worries out, whilst having structured help and guidance on coping with two!
(September 2012, Refresher Class /2nd baby prep class 20month gap, Kerry M)
A useful reminder about dealing with a newborn baby. Remembering to pack things for your toddler and not just me when I go into labour! Good Tips about dealing with 2.
(September 2012, Refresher Class /2nd baby prep class 2yr gap, Victoria V)
Brilliant - very pragmatic, structured, common sense advice. I feel very well prepared and feel much more excited about number 2s arrival.
(September 2012, Refresher Class /2nd baby prep class 13month gap, Kirsty G)
The class was very informative, friendly and reassuring. It helped most by remembering things that I had forgotten, also new tips to get my older child involved in her little brothers life.
(August 2012, Refresher Class /2nd baby prep class 4yr gap, Silvia R)
It was a good reminder of what it was like and how it will be different i.e juggling the 2.
(August2012, Refresher Class /2nd baby prep class 2yr gap, Rosie O)
Interactive, informative and personal experience at The Baby Care Company. The course helped me to manage expectations for life with 2.
(August2012, Refresher Class/2nd baby prep class 2yr gap, Kim S)
Very friendly and professional with useful pointers. Helpful reminders of things I’d forgotten and time to focus on this baby finally!
(August2012, Refresher Class/2nd baby prep class 18m gap, Sam B)
Good refresher with good take away notes. Good to actually take some time out and think about preparation for life with 2.
(August2012, Refresher Class/2nd baby prep class 2.5year gap, Jill A)
Very useful to focus on the changes which will take place with 2. Gives ideas for structuring the day, feeds etc, and the class has made me feel more relaxed about having a second child and how it will fit into our lives.
(August2012, Refresher Class/2nd baby prep class 2year gap, Lynne B)
Extremely useful course. Vey informative and bespoke to my needs. Small classes allow for enough conversation and questions.
(June 2012, GETTING READY Class, Michelle K)
The refresher class was relaxed friendly and informative. Good to get a reminder of the newborn basics with helpful hints, tips and reminders.
(June 2012, Refrehser class, 6yr gap, Jane)
The Baby Care Company 2nd Baby Prep course was a lovely setting with open communication, and it was good to be listened to.
(June 2012, Refresher/2nd baby prep class, 3yr gap, Lise)
The refresher/2nd baby preparation course was really worthwhile and worth doing. It has made me think of more practicalities and ways to include Zoe etc.
(June 2012, Refresher/2nd baby prep class, 3.5yr gap, Amanda)
A really positive experience at The Baby Care Company - great to have a refresher and hear the ideas, experiences and insights of the other women too.
(June 2012, Refresher/2nd Baby prep Class 5 yr gap, Domonique)
I found the Baby Care Company incredibly informative and helpful on a practical and local level. The Course really felt aimed at me and what I needed completely easing my anxieties of those last days of pregnancy and first days of motherhood and beyond.
Because Eilish was flexible and able to tailor the course to suit me and what I wanted to cram in the whole session was helpful and I feel able to cope with what my little baby will throw at me! I also feel I have the support there should my babies sleep and feeding patterns become a real problem - I would definitely then be interested in a come to my house service.
I would definitely recommend the course and I would love to hear about any future courses that might be relevant to me.
(June 2012, Tailored 121 class covering baby care, sleep and feeding, Nicole S)
To the point and concrete summary of what to get and how to care for the baby. Helps to make choices and to find your way around all the stuff out there.
The what-to-buy section was very useful and saved us from a lengthy internet investigation (where the internet is inconsistent and you would not be able to ask questions which help you make up your mind). We enjoyed the sleep and routines class because it was a topic we hadn't heard anything about yet, and it gave a lot of insight so hopefully that will work out well in practice.
(June 2012, Getting ready, The Early Days and Getting into your stride classes, Katya and Richard)
Very useful summation of the essentials. Saved so much time I would have otherwise spent reading. It most helped by refreshing my memory on the early days of the new baby and listening to real life experiences of living with two.
(May 2012, Refrehser Class 2 yr gap, Rob)
Very good, flexible, friendly and fantastic information. Feel so much more ‘ready’ now and better placed to cope now.
(May 2012, Refrehser Class 2 yr gap, Claire)
The class gave me the opportunity and time to focus on the arrival of my second baby and I left excited which was lovely.It took me back to the early days with Lily and reminded me of what I needed to prepare for. It reinforced many of the things I’d begun to think about such as ensuring my eldest doesn’t feel left out and when to move rooms etc.
(May 2012, Refrehser Class 2 yr gap, Victoria)
The Baby Care Co. gave me really practical, thoughtful advice and support with great ideas and info. for coping with 2. I was given some great tips I hadn’t thought of and it made me more confident about what I’ve done already and where I am heading now.
(Feb 2012, Refrehser Class 2.5yr gap, Emma)
A practical, efficient way to get information without taking ages - a good reminder of what the first bit is like when it’s all forgotten. It makes it more real and got me thinking about practicalities.
(Feb 2012, Refrehser Class 19m gap, Katy)
Great practical refresher course that covers basic reminders on care but also good pointers on managing with 2.
(Feb 2012, Refrehser Class 22m gap, Catherine)
Very informative, relaxed and easy to learn class in a nice environment. The class opened up new ideas and it was easy to voice concerns
(Jan 2012, Getting Ready Class, Verity)
Great experience at The Baby Care Company - fun, informative and a good way of learning. Felt more confident after doing this class. Hugely helped in preparation for life with my baby - I just need my husband to do a course now!
(Jan 2012, The Early Days, Verity)
Very informative, good preparation for how to care for a baby - the things you may not automatically think about. Allowed my partner to get more understanding about what to expect. Also to make you think about what to expect after birth which you may not previously have thought about
(January 2012 - midwife with partner, The Early Days class)
Very informative - informal but intuitive, friendly class. Has helped me very much in preparation for life with my baby - received so much useful information I wasn't aware of.
(January 2012 - Dad to be)
"Eilish/The Baby Care Company gave us some really useful hints on getting our baby started into a routine, reinforced by clear hand-outs which summarised what we had been told."
(Dec 2011, 121 post-natal consultation)
Really relaxed, open environment. It's given me more confidence that I have the right information and know what I should be doing.
(December 2011, Jenny, The Early Days class)
Good, practical advice. Particularly liked the bottle feeding, and the practical bits after the hospital - changing nappy etc.
(December 2011, Christina, The Early Days class)
Very reassuring to understand the items required before the birth, and to talk through the build up to labour. Area on 'partners role during labour' was really useful as this tends to be assumed rather than actually talked about.
(November 2011 - Dad to be)
Class was tailored to our needs - routine element very good. Enjoyed changing, feeding and bathing sections.
(September 2011 - Surrogate parents to be, tailored class)
I really enjoyed your class - thanks for the advice and information
(October 2011, Jackie)
It's very beneficial as the NCT courses are only offered a month or 2 before your baby is born. Enjoyed all of the course as pictures and demonstrations were used throughout and you can ask questions/chat in between. I enjoyed the class a lot as I know a lot about babies but it's nice to hear from a mum's experience.
(September 2011 - Getting ready class)
Lots of practical tips in a short space of time - a bit like best friends tips which you never hear about until you've experienced it for yourself!
(September 2011, Kathy, Getting ready class)
Eilish produced a very helpful refresher course for me. With a 6 year gap and my first child having been born in the USA, it was great to be reminded of what to expect in the UK system and to talk through feeding schedules, breast feeding issues and the main equipment needed - I soon realised that I had managed to forget essentials on my own list. Eilish delivers a lot of information very clearly and in a short space of time and cleverly tailors her course to meet the individual's needs. She very quickly picked up on my needs and areas of interest. Eilish has also very kindly remained in touch and has responded to any post course queries very quickly.
What I most enjoyed was that Eilish provided me with the information that I needed quickly, fluently and in a friendly informative way. Eilish was also completely non judgmental about delivery type and was able to provide a lot of information about all aspects of the delivery, post partum care and anaesthesia on offer in the UK. I also found all the hand outs that Eilish can provide on equipment, feeding schedules etc very useful.
Above all, Eilish really knows her stuff and is a mum herself who I felt brilliantly understood the areas that were concerning me and was very supportive. I knew I was in for a scheduled c section this time for medical reasons but was apprehensive (as my first delivery was a traumatic non c section of a large baby). Eilish was really keen to do the best job she could of preparing me for the big event.
I can honestly say that the c section was a really positive event and all went very smoothly. My baby was even keen to breastfeed in the recovery room and even the breastfeeding is still going well 6 months on. I am very happy that I was able to benefit from Eilish's expertise and ongoing support and can highly recommend the refresher course.
(Refresher Class)
I have done the first 2 stages of this amazing course, "getting ready" and "the early days". It is really worth it, as you get to have 1 on 1 attention about all the questions you have; in a small group; in a comfortable place, which is nice and personal. You get to find out many things about your baby, yourself, birth etc which you may not know... Eilish uses appropriate props to demonstrate and show you things, like to how to hold your baby, how to dress it, how to bath it, what certain things look like etc which I found really interesting. She also gives you notes to follow which you get to keep, show your husband and read about at home. She is professional, well spoken and very approachable. I would recommend these courses to any new mum, as I have found them really worthwhile.
"Eilish's advice has been invaluable to me throughout both of my pregnancies and early motherhood. She always responded with thought and sensitivity to my constant stream of questions - what do I really need to buy for the baby? should I hire a tens machine? does anything ease the nipple chapping caused by breast feeding? why won't my baby sleep?! I was so lucky to have her around and couldn't think of a better person to give ante and postnatal advice."
(Nicky - Mother of 2)
“Eilish has been saviour in the way I have been able to raise my second son. After enduring numerous difficulties with my first child, mainly relating to a poor sleeping pattern and difficulties in feeding, I was very nervous about having a second child. Eilish was invaluable from the start when I had a terrible pregnancy involving severe Hyperemesis right through to the caesarean birth. Later Eilish encouraged and guided me on how to establish a solid routine for feeding , expressing and most of all introducing a simple yet effective routine from day one which fit in with the rest of my family. The latter helped include my elder son into the whole process and eventually made it easier for me to return to my business and career.
The whole experience of a second child has been joyful, fun and relaxed for myself and my husband - a total contrast to the first!! I firmly believe that this is due to the support, practical advice and patience Eilish has provided. I would whole heartedly recommend Eilish to all my friends, family and colleagues and can say without hesitation that I could not have done this, so easily, without her.”
(Nisha - mother of 2)
“Eilish was a great support as well as an adviser throughout my pregnancy and our babies first year. She had good suggestions from pregnancy issues, labour options, breast feeding, babies schedule, through to which prams, cot, car seat to choose.
I did not have time to attend ante natal classes instead talking-1-2-1 to Eilish provided a key role in building my confidence as I was very worried about what was going to happen during labour, even though I read a great deal beforehand.
Her suggestion of sticking to a schedule as soon as my son was born certainly made our life easier throughout the year and allowed my husband and I to be more relaxed and enjoy our baby more. Eilish is extremely efficient, confident, very knowledgeable and always willing to help. We would highly recommend her. “
(Zina- mother of 1)