The importance of Mummy friends
01/10/12 14:39
I remember when I was pregnant with my first son, a close friend gave me her top baby tip, and that was to make sure I did classes before I gave birth to make new mummy friends. I had at the time thought it was a bit odd. I’d never had to sign up to something before in the hope of meeting people!! But as she was such a good friend, I did as she said, and she was right.
Having and caring for a baby is really wonderful yet everyone has bad days, and as a new mum you can sometimes feel quite isolated and lonely when you’re at home with your baby. The world can sometimes feel as though it’s rushing on past you while you’re getting to grips with being a mummy at home. I found it comforting having a diary scheduled with coffee dates and trips to the park. It’s a chance to get out of the house and speak to others about what you’re going through. The old saying a problem shared is a problem halved is true when you’re going through those early weeks, and it’s really reassuring to know others are going through the same thing as you.
I’m still really good friends with those first mummy friends. You don’t have to meet scores of people, just a couple going through what you are. If you’ve been up a lot in the night, or just having a bad day, a chat over a cup of tea and a piece of cake can make all the difference.